SLA Student Paper Prize
Call for Submissions

The Society for Linguistic Anthropology announces a competition for Outstanding Paper by a Student, one each at both undergraduate and graduate levels. The paper should be an original work, based on research conducted by the author. It will be evaluated on the basis of its clarity, significance to the field, and substantive contribution. Papers should be suitable for submission to the Journal of Linguistic Anthropology and must not exceed 25 double-spaced 8.5 X 11 (standard U.S.-letter size) pages, not including bibliography. Such papers must not have been published or submitted for publication at the time of application.
The paper must be submitted as a digital file, in either .pdf or Word formats and sent to Joel Kuipers at by the deadline of JUNE 7, 2007. Queries may be sent to Paul Kroskrity or Janina Fenigsen at
Awards will be made only when submissions produce a work to be of sufficiently high quality, as judged by a panel of evaluators according to the criteria above, to merit an SLA Student Paper Prize. Winners of the Prizes will be announced at the SLA business meeting. SLA Prize-winners will receive a certificate of their accomplishment from the SLA, $100, and free books from publishers including Blackwell and others.
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